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Limits problems for Precalculus

Find Limit using Table of Values problem example 

The following video provides two examples with tables containing x-values and their respective function values. Use this information to find the required limits.


Solution to this Precalculus Limit practice problem is provided in the video below!


Find Limit using Graph example question

The following video provides a complete xy-plane Graph showing the behavior of a given function. Use this information to find the limits.


Solution to this Precalculus Limit problem is provided in the video below!


Find Limit using Calculator example

Use a calculator to help you find the indicated limits for the given functions:











Solution to this Precalculus Limit problem is provided in the video below!


Find Limit using Piecewise Functions example problems

Use the following piecewise functions to find the required limits:











Solution to these Precalculus Limit problems is provided in the video below!


Example problem on why some Limits may NOT exist

Investigate the following function and determine why the given Limit does not exist:


Solution to this Precalculus Limit problem is provided in the video below!


Find Limit by Rationalizing the Square Root example question

Find the indicated Limit of the given Function:


Solution to this Precalculus Limit problem is provided in the video below!


Limit Definition of a Derivative problems

Limit Definition of a Derivative example problem

Find the derivative of the function

by using Formal Limit Definition of a Derivative.


Solution to this Calculus Limit Definition of Derivative Differentiation practice problem is given in the video below!


Equation of the Tangent Line using Limit Definition of a Derivative example question

Find the Equation of the Tangent Line to the graph of

at the point (5, 1) by using the Limit Definition of a Derivative.


Solution to this Calculus Limit Definition of Derivative Differentiation practice problem is given in the video below!


Limits problems (complete Playlist)

Find comprehensive Limit examples and practice problems for your Calculus or Precalculus courses.

Calculus problems (complete Playlist)

Find a variety of Calculus examples and practice problems to help you improve in Calculus 1, Calculus 2, Calculus 3, and more courses.

Topics include limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, parametric equations, polar coordinates, sequences and series, application problems, and more!

Hospital’s Rule Limit problems

Limits with L’Hopital’s Rule example question

Find the indicated limits:






Solution to these L’Hopital’s Rule Calculus Limit practice problems is given in the video below!

TRY IT YOURSELF problems in this topic

Limits with L’Hopital’s Rule example problem

Find the indicated limits below:




Solution to these L’Hospital’s Rule Calculus Limit practice problems is given in the video below!

TRY IT YOURSELF problems in this topic

Limits with L’Hopital’s Rule example

Find the provided limits below:





Solution to these Hopital’s Rule Calculus Limit practice problems is given in the video below!

TRY IT YOURSELF problems in this topic

Limits with L’Hopital’s Rule example question #4

Find the indicated limits provided below:




Solution to these Hospital’s Rule Calculus Limit practice problems is given in the video below!

TRY IT YOURSELF problems in this topic

Limits with L’Hopital’s Rule example problem #5

Find the indicated limits given below:



Solution to these Hopital Rule Calculus Limit practice problems is given in the video below!

TRY IT YOURSELF problems in this topic

Limits with L’Hopital’s Rule example #6

Find the indicated limits below:



Solution to these Hospital Rule Calculus Limit practice problems is given in the video below!

TRY IT YOURSELF problems in this topic

Limits with L’Hopital’s Rule example question #7

Find the given limit:


Solution to this L’Hopital’s Rule Calculus Limit practice problem is given in the video below!

TRY IT YOURSELF problems in this topic

Limits with L’Hopital’s Rule HARD example problem

Find the indicated limit:


Solution to this L’Hospital’s Rule Calculus Limit practice problem is given in the video below!


TRY IT YOURSELF example questions

Find the indicated limits by using L’Hopital’s Rule:












a)  -1

b)  1

c)  1/4

d)  1

e)  0



Limits at Infinity problems

Limits at Infinity example question

Find the given limit:


Solution to this Calculus Limits practice problem is given in the video below!

Limit Approaching a Constant problems

Limit example question

Find the indicated limits:





Solution to these Calculus Limit practice problems is given in the video below!

Limit example problem

Find the indicated limit:


Solution to this Calculus Limit practice problem is given in the video below!

Limit example

Find the indicated limit:


Solution to this Calculus Limit practice problem is given in the video below!

Limit example question #4

Find the indicated limit:


Solution to this Calculus Limit practice problem is given in the video below!

Squeeze Theorem Limit example problem

Find the indicated limit:


Solution to this Calculus Limit practice problem is given in the video below!

Formal Definition of Limit problems

Delta-Epsilon Formal Limit Definition Theoretical example

Prove that if

by using Formal Definition of the Limit.

Solution to this Calculus Formal Definition of a Limit practice problem can be found in the video below!

Delta-Epsilon Formal Limit Definition Theoretical example problem


by using Formal Definition of the Limit.

Solution to this Calculus Formal Definition of a Limit practice problem can be found in the video below!

Delta-Epsilon Formal Limit Definition Theoretical example question


by using Formal Definition of the Limit.

Solution to this Calculus Formal Definition of a Limit practice problem can be found in the video below!

Delta-Epsilon Formal Limit Definition Theoretical example #4


by using Formal Definition of the Limit.

Solution to this Calculus Formal Definition of a Limit practice problem can be found in the video below!

Delta-Epsilon Formal Limit Definition Theoretical example problem #5


by using Formal Definition of the Limit.

Solution to this Calculus Formal Definition of a Limit practice problem can be found in the video below!

Delta-Epsilon Formal Limit Definition Theoretical example question #6


by using Formal Definition of the Limit.

Solution to this Calculus Formal Definition of a Limit practice problem can be found in the video below!

Delta-Epsilon Formal Limit Definition Number example problem #7

If f(x) = 5x – 6, find δ > 0 whenever 0 < \dpi{150} \large | x – 14 \dpi{150} \large | < ε and

Solution to this Calculus Formal Definition of a Limit practice problem is given in the video below!

Limits of Logarithmic functions example problems

Limits of Logarithmic Functions example question

Find the following limits:



Solutions to these Calculus Limit practice problems are found in the video below!

Limits of Logarithmic Functions example problem #2 using 2-Function Formula

Given that


we have that

Using this conclusion, find the Limit of the following function:


Solution to these Calculus Limit practice problem is found in the video below!

Limit of Rational Functions problems

Limits of Rational Functions example question

Find the indicated Limit of the following Rational Function:


Solution to this Calculus Limit of a Rational Function practice problem is given in the video below!


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